The ULTIMATE Macintosh
"Still the BIGGEST, UGLIEST, and MOST USEFUL Macintosh Page on the Web..."
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visitors to this page, since April 1995
Over 5 million Mac enthusiasts served!
Last Modified: August 30 13:00 PDT 2000 ![[NEW!]](art/new.gif)
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Macworld's Best Mac Web Sites - The ULTIMATE Macintosh is proud to announce that it has been included in Macworld's Best of Mac Web Sites for two years running! Check out the articles in the August 1996 and October 1997 issues of Macworld Online. In addition, The ULTIMATE Macintosh appears in TIME Digital 1998 Year in Review: "The Return of Apple"!!
Welcome to the BEST Macintosh pages on the web. If there are Macintosh related pages that you think should be included on this list, or to report dead links, send e-mail to me, Michael Yee at or Greg Park at
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Table of Contents
- What's Hot!
- the current coolest Macintosh links on the planet
- Essential Sites
- the Top 10 essential Mac sites!
- Latest News! - Macintosh news links (updated daily!)
- Apple Computer Pages
- Software Archives
- Internet Software and Information
- Information
- General - general info, hints & tips, troubleshooting, news, etc.
- Sherlock - Sherlock news, set managers, and plug-ins.
- Graphics and Sound - desktop publishing, graphic arts, MIDI, etc.
- Software Info and Reviews - software, the good, the bad, and the ugly
- Hardware - clone makers, CPU performance, acceleration, etc.
- iMac - iMac news, reviews, graphics, and software updates
- Programming - MacHack, GameSprockets, and Land o' Geeks
- Buying and Selling - get thebest Macintosh deals on the Internet
- Classified Ads - free sites to buy and sell new and used Macs
- International - Macintosh language kits and non-english sites
- Miscellaneous - stuff
- Publications - periodicals, magazines, e-zines
- Games
- Resources and Indices
- Companies and Mail Order
- Newsgroups
Newton Users: Check out the The ULTIMATE Newton.
What's HOT! 
Hot Tidbits
- What's New with OSX - Apple's OSX: support for REALBasic, Java2 support and over 200+ OSX ready applications
- Flash 5 - The new Player will display content created with the newest features of Macromedia Flash 5.
- Apple's Quicktime Hot Picks! - Apple has a load of multimedia for it's Quicktime player!
- PowerMac G4 Cube! - Checkout the specs on this HOT new product Cube Specs
- Mozilla 17 Release! - Mozilla is an open-source web browser, designed for standards compliance, performance and portability.
- MacInstruct! - Check out the 56 tutorials in their archives!
- Focus on Mac Hardware! - brought to you by About!
- Latest Apple News! - brought to you by CNET!
- Apple Open Source Software! - Apple has release the source code for Darwin OS, Darwin Streaming Server, and OpenPlay!
- Apple's Final Cut Pro 1.2.5 - a new professional video editing suite from Apple. For more info, check out Macintouch Review, Reader reports, and the Final Cut Pro Info site 2-pop.Com!
- Intel Indeo Video 5 - Indeo Video 5 codec is now available for the Mac. Play newer PC .AVI files! Download from Apple
- MacOS System 7.5.5 is FREE! - update your old Mac (IIci, LC, Centris, etc.) from System 7.0.1 to System 7.5.5 (includes Open Transport) for FREE! Thanks Apple!
- Apple's MPW (Macintosh Programmer's Workshop) is FREE! - for those of you who didn't know (like me), MPW is available as a FREE download from Apple via FTP!! MPW supports C, C++, and assembly-language programming for Mac OS 7.x/8.x /9.x
- America Online 5.0 is available! - download the latest AOL 5.0, new features include updated browser based on Internet Explorer 5, change screen names without quitting, and more!
- Netscape Communicator 4.7.5 is available - Netscape 4.7.5 includes: updated AOL Instant Messenger 3.0, improved security, RealPlayer G2, 128-bit DES, and Netscape Radio, read the release notes for detail list of new features, download via ftp, or download the 128-bit version.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 - PRO: blindingly fast screen refresh for cached pages. U.S. users check out the 128-bit update! If you want to check out the upcoming IE 5,5, check out MacFixIt's report.
- Microsoft combined updater for Office 98 - Finally, a single update that combines the previously released "Unwanted Data" updater, the "Mac OS 8.5" updater, and the "Unique Identifier" updater.
- Eudora 4.3.3 - new release for this wonderful email client
- Palm MacPac Version 2.5 - another update for the PalmPilot desktop for Power Macintosh!
- Quicktime 4.1.2 - includes a cool new GUI, streaming video, MPEG support, support for over 30 audio/video formats, view JPEG, BMP, PNG, MPEG3 (yes! MP3!), and more. Download from Apple.
- Say Hello to iMac - Apple's all-in-one Mac! For more iMac info check out iMacInTouch, iMacWorld, theiMac.Com, iMac Best 5, or the cool site! If you have an iMac make sure you have the latest Apple iMac update! Be sure to check out the Andy Grove loves his iMac! article at Time.Com. FREE Web-based 3 Meg virtual floppy service at If you want the iMac mouse to actually fits your hand check out the iCatch.
- Having problems with your Mac? - Power key won't work? Blank screen? Clock broken, or is it just plain dead? If so, it may be your motherboard battery. Check out the battery before bringing it to the repair shop.
- WARNING: Office 98 Security Bug - see Macintouch, MacFixIt, and MacNN special reports, SUMMARY: MS Word 98 (and Word 5.1) ignore the logical end of file and includes the entire contents of the final disk sector in the file. Since that disk sector may have been previously used for things like confidential e-mail, URLs, or other documents, it is possible that the data on the disk will be included in your Word document. Microsoft has issued a OLE patch for Office 98 for this problem. This problem exist in other programs that use OLE (e.g. MS Word 5.1, PageMaker, and QuarkXpress).
- Just Say NO to LibMoto - there are possible conflicts with Apple's Geoport software, Bungie's Myth (and possibly other games), and CAD software. For more info check out the "LibMoto" section at the bottom of the Networkable Mac Games - Accelerate MacOS 8 page.
- RAM PRICES ARE AT A LOW AGAIN!! For the latest RAM prices check out RAMSeeker, RAMWatch, and The PowerBook Source. Mention that you saw it on The ULTIMATE Macintosh.
Hot Links
- MacAddict's Top Mac Sites - MacAddict's sixteen affiliate sites!
- Pure Mac - All the software you really need!
- PriceScan - An unbiased guide to the lowest computer hardware and software prices on the Internet, updated daily. Includes Deal of the Day and a easy to use search engine.
- PriceWatch - Another great place to find the BEST deals for computer products.
- ChezMark's MacPicks Page - Mark's downloads and reviews the Best of Info-Mac! Updated weekly!
- ResExcellence - If you miss Desktop Madness, you'll love ResExcellence. Customize your Macintosh desktop! ResEdit required, not for the faint of heart! :-)
- Microsoft's MacTopia - Mac news, links, resources, and all things Mac at Microsoft.
- Apple Product Training - iMac Basics, MacOS 8.5, USB Basics, Communications Basics, and more.
- Low End Mac - Breath some life into your old Mac Plus, SE, IIci, LC, etc.!
- - INCREDIBLE commercial spots, all made on Macintosh!
Hot Games
- GET Quake 3 Arena for Mac!! - download a playable version of Quake III deathmatch for the Mac!! Download from Quake 3 Arena. If you have a built-in RAGE 3D accelerator, you will need OpenGL 1.1.2 for Macintosh. For the latest news on Q3Test, check out JVOX's Broomstick @ PlanetQuake.
- Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation...yes another Tomb Raider..check out the review at InsideMacGames.
- Lode Runner 2 - cool pseudo 3D LodeRunner game!! Download the demo from MacSoft
- Deus Ex - check out the DEMO!
- Unreal for Macintosh - Unreal is now available for the Mac, from MacSoft!
- MacMAME - run your favorite coin-operated arcade games on your PowerMac!! Play the original Frogger, DigDug, Q*Bert, and SpaceZap on the Mac! INCREDIBLE!
- Myth: The Fallen Lords - CGW Strategy Game of the Year and Macworld Best Game Award! Many download sites!
- Diablo II - Get the lastest on Diablo II Download the latest Patch from CNET downloads!
- Vertigo - claims to be the "Ultimate Mac(tm) Gaming Resource". Hmmm... Any how this great Mac gaming site contains daily gaming news, game demos, and more.
- MacLedge aka (Mac Gamer's Ledge) - Mac game reviews and links.
- Mac Game Gate - Mac game reviews and links in English, Swedish, and Spanish!
- Inside Mac Games Hot Picks - the HOTTEST Mac game demos on-line!
- CNET Games - Shareware, Freeware, and Commerical Games listed by a variety of categories. Good Resource.
- Mac Game Files - Mac game demos, news, reviews, shareware and updates!
- MacSoft Game Demos - Check out the latest demos in .sit format!
- MacSoft's Driver - Still in alpha..but check out the review!

Essential Sites! ![[NEW!]](art/new.gif)
- Apple Computer - the mother ship
- ChezMark's MacPicks - reviews the best shareware
- CNET's Shopper.Com - search for the best deals
- deal-mac - track special deals on Mac stuff
- MacFixIt - Mac troubleshooting
- MacInTouch Home Page - Mac news and reviews
- Macintosh Resource Page - more Mac news and reviews
- MacLedge - Mac gaming
- MacUpdate - Mac software archive
- Version Tracker - Mac updates and software
Latest News!
- Apple Investors - Apple stock news, articles, resources, graphs, and Apple Investors Events Calendar.
- Apple's Orchard - news, links, shareware, and hardware
- Insanely Great Mac (IGM) - a insanely great news site, on-line since July 1997.
- MacSurfer's Headline News - up-to-date Table Of Contents of ALL the latest Macintosh news.
- MacCentral Breaking News - MacCentral is BACK with a new look!
- MacHound @ MacTimes Network - the latest Mac news culled all the best news sites
- MacInTouch Home Page - for the ABSOLUTE latest and hottest news, updated daily! Searchable!
- Macintosh Resource Page - news, feature stories, and links. Searchable!
- Mac Mania - The Daily Mac and Mac Mania has merged! News, press releases, tidbits, and rumors!
- Macintosh News Network (MaCNN) - pronounced "mac nn", a GREAT! Mac news source.
- MacOS Rumors - MacOS Rumors is BACK at and better than ever!
- Macs Only - the latest News, Opinion, Reviews & Troubleshooting!
- O'Grady's Powerpage - the latest news and info about Macintosh and Powerbooks!
- The Mac Observer - (formerly Webintosh) Web related software reviewed, updated daily!
- Apple Insider - Apple news and rumors!
- As The Apple Turns - the latest angst-soaked news and rumors from the wild and woolly world of Apple Computer
- MacGeeks - news and information for Mac OS professionals, enthusiasts, and hobbyists, updated daily (usually)!
- Mac Directory - news and reviews, updated daily!
- MacOS monthly - the latest Macintosh news, software and links!
- The PowerBook Source - Powerbook News and memory price tracking
- For MORE Macintosh News go to the Publications section.
Troubleshooting and Software Updates
- MacFixIt - late breaking new and troubleshooting info for the Mac
- Version Tracker - current version info for popular programs and links to updates
- MacKiDo - Apple Evangelism and AppleBits weekly news!
- MacSense Online - a great monthly Mac publication, new editor-in-chief!
- TidBITS - the BEST and longest running weekly Macintosh e-zine on the internet (searchable)
- MacWEEK News Page - MacWeek and MacUser late breaking news (daily updates!)
- Apple Understanding - A service for readers of David Horrigan's syndicated newspaper columns

Apple Computer Pages
Direct Links
- The Apple Store - Apple's NEW internet store front. Build your dream Macintosh! Check out the specials!
- Hot News - Press Releases, Latest Software Updates, and more!
- Products - Apple Product info, and on-line registration for Apple Hardware and Software products.
- Support - Software updates, technical support library, basic troubleshooting, DevWorld, developer support, and more!
- Design & Publishing - Master of Media web site, Why Apple, technologies, AppleScript, ColorSync, QuickTime, and more!
- Education - News, educational price list and promos, disability resources, and more!
- Where to Buy - Macintosh, Newton MessagePad / eMate, WebObjects products, Apple loan and leasing, and International information!
Technical Support
- Apple Technical Exchange Online - Apple Technical Support home page
- Apple Technical Info Library (TIL) - search over 15,000 articles for troubleshooting info
- Apple Software Updates - Macintosh software includes updates for System, Language Kit, PowerBook, Printing, MacTCP, OpenTransport, Utilities, and more! (NOTE: archive includes Macintosh, Newton, Power Computing, and even DOS/Windows updates!)
- Apple Software Updates Via FTP - Apple Software Updates FTP mirror sites around the world.
- - Apple's mirror site to Apple software updates, Info-Mac, and UMICH Archive, all running on Apple's latest Network Server 700/150 running AIX! FAST!
- Apple's Higher Education Home Page - info on teacher and university student discounts
- Apple's Media and Analyst Information - Apple's Media, Press Release, and Analysts page
- Apple Users Groups - find your local Apple User's group here
- Apple Online Publications - Apple Directions, develop, and other Macintosh related on-line publications
- MacOS Software and Hardware Guide - over 12,000 software and hardware products for the Macintosh! (searchable)
- Apple Developer World - Apple's DevWorld developer resource page
- Apple Product Training - iMac Basics, MacOS 8.5, USB Basics, Communications Basics, and more
- Apple Developer Connection (ADC) - Apple consultants, systems integrators, VARS, and custom developers
Apple Publications
- Hyperlink to the Publications section for Apple publications, including AppleDirections, and Apple's develop technical journal.
Apple Related Companies
Macintosh Software Archive
Sumex Info-Mac Software Archives
University of Michigan (UMICH/Merit) Macintosh Archives - RETIRED?
Other Macintosh Software Archives

Internet Software and Information
- 56k.Com - all kinds of info about 56k modems (K56Flex and x2) including 56k Mac Modem Scripts
- BetterTelnet for MacOS - BetterTelnet is a significantly enhanced version of NCSA Telnet 2.7b5. It fixes many bugs and has a redesigned interface. My favorite Telnet program!
- Telnet 3.0 - a complete re-write from the ground up of NCSA Telnet 2.6, PPC only, requires MacOS 8.0 or better.
- FreePPP @ RockStar - FreePPP 2.6.2 is the latest version HINT: If you are using MacTCP and have problems connecting, open the MacTCP Control Panel and clicking on one of other icons and then click on FreePPP.
- IPNetMonitor Page - realtime OpenTransport traffic graph
- The Mac Orchard - essential internet apps, search engines, and links
- Netscape FTP Site - get the latest version of Netscape Navigator or Communicator here!
- NiftyTelnet Home Page - an alternative to NCSA Telnet, includes Kerberos support
- Pure Mac - all the software you really need
- The Bandwidth Conservation Society - A great resource from any web developer
- creating a killer website - online - how to make your ordinary web page look extraordinary!
- BrowserWatch - get your Netscape plug-ins here!
- ClearPhone - internet phone and video for the Mac!
- Common Internet File Format Page - ever wonder what programs you need to deal with all the file formats on the internet? Well this page is for you!
- The Distributed Macintosh - promoting distributed computing on the Mac, including DES RC5 challenges
- Fetch Home Page - news and info on Fetch 3.0.3 FTP program
- Hotline Internet Client/Server - simple and elegant internet file transfer and chat
- Webspot IRC - Macintosh IRC information and downloads. For more IRC information see IRChelp.Org.
- Macintosh E-mail Resource Page - if you are shopping around for a new email client, this THE site for you!
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 - nice interface, faster page refresh, faster Java (JIT), download manager, and finally stable!
- Mirabilis ICQ for Macintosh - communicate (chat and transfer files) with your ICQ PC friends!
- MacTCP DNS by Peter Lewis - my MacTCP DNS settings was screwed up until I read this.
- Internet Servers for MacOS
- Mac Connection Guide - info on connecting via OT, MacTCP, and PPP
- MacTCP Notes - info on how to install MacPPP
- Mac on the Net - a big list of Mac Internet software - give it a try
- Macintosh Networking Page - Everything you ever wanted to know about putting your Mac on the internet!
- MT-Newswatcher - MT-NewsWatcher is a Multi-Threaded Usenet news reading application for the Macintosh
- MacTCP Monitor Page - realtime MacTCP traffic graph
- NCSA MacMosaic Home Page
- NCSA Telnet User's Guide
- Net Mechanic - all the tools you need to fine tune your website and get it out where it will be noticed!
- Net-Print Page - a free extension that lets you print a hilited portion of text from Netscape
- Prevent Netscape freezes with Netscape Defrost! - for Netscape 1.x, Netscape 2.0 seems to have this bug fixed
- NewsWatcher Tracker - track the latest verions of all four flavors of NewsWatcher
- Mark's Open Transport Page -info about the latest on OpenTransport
- Peter Lewis Shareware page @ Stairways Software - Finally, Peter Lewis' internet apps are on the web!
- SLiRP and TIA Links, SLiRP/MacPPP, and SLiRP/MacPPP II - info on SLiRP and The Internet Adapter (TIA), SLIP over dial-up
- MacShare Internet'ware page - reviews of the best Mac Internet apps
- Top 20 Tips for Macintosh Webmasters - if you have a Macintosh based web server this is for you!
- TuCows Macintosh Software page - a hugh list of Macintosh internet software!
- Color WebCam for Macintosh Web Server - a how to on putting your Color QuickCam on the web
- The Mac Observer - (formerly Webintosh) Daily Mac news and information, updated daily!
- The Weberator - Mac shareware and information for creating and enhancing web pages

Macintosh Information
General Information
- AllExperts MacOS - free Macintosh experts answer your questions via email!
- The Complete Conflict Compendium - an on-line database of Mac software incompatibilities
- Focus on Mac Support @ The Mining Company - your personal Macintosh Support guides (Dave Merten and Shari Shroeder)
- Focus on Mac Hardware @ The Mining Company - your personal Macintosh Hardware guide (Ryan J. Faas)
- PowerMac Software Conflicts - great page to help solve PowerMac problems
- Phoenix Macintosh Repair page - repair info on Macs, hard drives, printers, and just about everything that can go wrong with your Mac
- MacVirus - online support, new, anti-virus software, reference, and more!
- No Wonder (24hr FREE Tech Support) - free 24-hour technical assistance for your Mac hardware and software.
- Troubleshooting and Software Updates
- MacFixIt - late breaking new and troubleshooting info for the Mac
- Version Tracker - current version info for popular programs and links to updates
Other Sites
- The Apple Museum - site dedicated to cataloguing the history of Apple computer's people and products, includes CPU code names, Mac Sightings, Celebrity Mac Users, and more!
- Apple Users Groups - find your local Mac user's group here
- Applelinks.Com - links, news, and more
- Cult of Macintosh (Finland) - my competition
- The Cross-Platform Pages - useful info on sharing data/communication between the Mac and Windows/DOS
- MacWindows - one-stop resource for finding solutions, info, daily news, and tips about Macintosh and Windows integration solutions
- Extreme Mac - the best games, software, news, and links
- The History of Apple Computer
- Macinsearch - Macintosh web site search engine
- Focus on MacOS @ The Mining Company - Julian Harris host the MacOS forum, new, info, bulletin boards, and chat!
- MacInTouch Home Page - for the ABSOLUTE latest and hottest news, updated daily!
- - a growing Macintosh site, check out The Cult.
- Macintosh Resource Page - news, feature stories, and links
- MacMan Macintosh Resources - news, software, internet, and all running on a Mac server
- Macintosh Technical Reference Page - news, internet software, Mac mail order list, and more!
- MacShare's Mac References - general Mac info
- J.R.'s WebFLUX Page - some very interesting Macintosh articles. Be sure to check out Next Generation (Mac) Watch and Hair Club for Macs
- Resources For Older Macintosh - link to info on all 68k Macs and some PowerPC 601 and 603 Macs and Clones.
- HAC Ultimate Macintosh Users Group List - lists Macintosh User Groups in the U.S. and around the world.
- WinMac - the Windows-MacOS Cooperation Mailing List Web Archive
Graphics and Sound
- HotWired - Animation Express - great source of animations and training!!
- 2-pop.Com - the Final Cut Pro Info Site
- Adobe's Tip and Techniques - including Photoshop, PageMill, Illustrator, PageMaker tips, and more.
- Adobe's Support Database - search info on Photoshop, Acrobat, PageMill, Illustrator, PageMaker, etc, etc
- Art. lebedev's Photoshop Professional Tips & Tricks Page - includes hints on using RAM efficiently, also check out art's Freehand page
- Final Cut Pro - a new professional video editing suite from Apple
- - incredible commercial spots, made on Macintosh!
- Font Fairy - Free Mac Fonts - what more do I need to say?
- FontBox @ insider software - checks and fixes font related problems!
- Harmony Central - a great MIDI and Music resource!
- Jerry Walsh's Adobe Photoshop Software - gradients, brushes, presets, and kernels
- Kai's Power Tips and Tricks for Adobe Photoshop
- Macintosh Music Software - the World's Biggest Macintosh Music Software Site @ Shareware Music Machine
- Petit-Pitou's World! Free Mac Design get your cool and slightly weird icons here.
- Photoshop FTP Plug-in Site - get your Photoshop plug-ins here!
- Photoshop Web Reference Annex - a great Photoshop (3.0 and 4.0) reference by Austin Chang
- Quark Education Online! - a great resource for Quark and would-be Quark users
- The Macintosh MIDI User's Internet Guide
- MacShare's Graphic'ware page - reviews of Mac graphics apps
- postforum - the Macintosh Digital Video Resource with reviews, info, software, and gallery

Software Information and Reviews
- ChezMark's MacPicks Page - Mark downloads and reviews the Best of Info-Mac!
- Emulation on the Macintosh page - emulate Gameboy, Apple II, Colecovision, Magic Cap, Commodore 64, CP/M, Windows, Atari ST, Amiga, Williams Arcade, Atari 800 and Nintendo on your Macintosh!
- GUI Central @ Ambrosia - this the best web Mac GUI I've ever seen, lots of Kaleidoscope Schemes!
- GUI Junky - enhance your Macintosh desktop, this site includes extensions, tools, desktop pics and patterns, and more!
- MacOS Zone - Shareware of the Week, Kaleidoscope of the Week, and Desktop Picture of the Week!
- Mac Plaza - Your Daily Interface News & Resource Website
- MacUpdate - one of the largest and fastest places to download the latest software and games, sorted and categorized. Includes "Hot Picks" and "Most Popular" software sections!
- InformInit @ Ambrosia - (formerly Mac Pruning Pages) the most comprehensive guide to control panels and extensions available ANYWHERE!
- Control Strip Collection page (@Powerbook Army) - the best Macintosh Control Strip page on the internet! Click on little "@" sign for description.
- Corey's MacOS Page - Future Apple hardware and software, software reviews, and much more
- Fileville - Filemaker Pro Users Group - hints, tricks, templates, etc.
- Filemaker Magazine Resources - Filemaker related links and resources
- Info-mac HyperDigests (US)
- Imagine 1.0: Macintosh Desktop Pattern Gallery - set desktop patterns directly from the web via drag and drop, requires Netscape 3.0 or newer.
- Law Office Software for the Macintosh - by the co-authors of "The Macintosh Bible"
- Legal Products for the Macintosh Page - Macintosh software for lawyers including accounting, real estate, wills, estates, etc.
- Macs.Bon.Net - Macintosh Freeware ONLY site!
- MACcouting - the web resource for everything about accounting on the Mac
- Macintosh Disability Software - Macintosh software the disabled
- MacPGP: Encryption and Macintosh - Public Key Encryption for the Mac!
- MacPGP 2.6.3 Home Page - the latest MacPGP and more!
- Macintosh Point of Sale Page - what to use a Mac as a retail cash register?
- MacReviewZone - all online hardware and software reviews by MacAddict, MacHome Journal, MacWeek and Macworld, hosted by Outpost.Com
- Nisus - info, tips, and macros for Nisus Writer international word processor
- Pure Mac - the Mac Software site seemingly created by a divine hand
- TCU Macintosh Geological Software Page - Two pages of earth science software for the Mac
- The Mac Shareware Top 10 - Mac shareware top ten programs
- Kids Domain Downloads - formerly Tigger's Children Shareware Page, the best selection of reviewed and categorized downloads for kids and those who care for them.
- Macintosh Statistics Software - if you do statistics on a Mac, this is the page for you!
- MacShare Page - Games, Graphics, Internet, Productivity, System, and Utility Software, and MORE! Whew!
- Useful and Fun Macintosh Software - current version info for popular programs and links to updates
- Version Tracker - current version info for popular programs and links to updates
- The Incomplete VirtualPC User's Guide - news, FAQ, tips and hints, links, and downloads
- Accelerate Your Mac page (aka XLR8YOURMAC.COM) - reviews and benchmarks on the latest CPU cards, L2 cache, video and SCSI cards!
- O'Grady's Powerpage - the latest info about Macintosh Powerbooks, produced on a Powerbook 2400!
- PowerBook Central - PowerBook info, classifieds, buyers/pricing guides, specs, and more!
- Macintosh Evolution Page - Specs on various Mac models (specs includes motherboard design, bus speed, L2 cache type, and much much more)!
- MacGuru's Logic Board Layout page - Motherboard layout diagrams including locations of RAM, L2 Cache, VRAM slots, and more!
- Apple's iMac site - What's your favorite flavor iMac? Specs, Peripherals, and Software Updates!
- DVDesign's iMac Graphics - some of the coolest iMac graphics on the web, check out chiaMac!
- DVDesign's iStore - check out some real and fictious iMac products, especially the incredible iStapler!
- iMac Best 5 - the best five iMac pages on the web
- The iMac NewsPage - iMac news, reviews, software updates, and iMac ring!
- iMac2Day - iMac news, peripherals, tech support, discussion forums
- iMacInTouch - Macintouch's iMac page, news, reviews, and USB product guide
- iMacworld - Macworld's iMac page, news and reviews
- theiMac.Com - iMac specs, USB products, and price watch
- - the latest iMac news @ O'Grady Powerpage, get around easier use the sitemap!
- - FREE Web-based 3 Meg virtual floppy service, now in custom iMac Colors!
- USB Misc - if you want a mouse that actually fits your hand.
Other Sites
- The Unofficial Turbo 601 Site - great info for 601 upgrade boards.
- Clock Chipping Home Page - Do-It-Yourself Macintosh CPU acceleration
- Mac and Mac Clone Performance Comparison Page - performance of subsystems of Mac and Mac clones!
- Macintosh AV FAQ - info on Macintosh AV (Audio-Visual) CPUs, including info on GeoPort, digital audio, PlainTalk, 660av & 840av DSP, video capture, and more!
- EveryMac - (formerly known as The Macintosh Guide Book), a complete guide of every Macintosh and MacOS-Compatible in the world, with detailed technical, configuration, and pricing information.
- Mac Driver Museum - need a driver for an old piece of Mac hardware (e.g. ethernet, video, printer, etc), check out this site!
- Macintosh Monitor Database
- Macintosh Motherboard Battery Info - power button does not work, monitor set to B&W, cannot set date, or monitor is black - it could be your battery.
- MacReviewZone - all online hardware and software reviews by MacAddict, MacHome Journal, MacWeek and Macworld, hosted by Outpost.Com
- PCI Cards for PowerMacs
- Dale Sorenson's Power Mac Upgrade Page - benchmark tests and upgrade advice on PowerPC processor upgrades and L2 caches
- Mac 2400 - Powerbook 2400 news, reviews, software, hardware, rumors, and Linux!
- PowerMac 61xx Frequently Asked Questions - answers for FAQ on the PowerMac 6100/60, 6100/66, 6110, Performa 6115, 6116, and 6118 models.
- PowerMac 6100 Graphics Performance - describes various aspects of the video subsystem of the Apple PowerMac 6100, including info on HPV cards and G3 Upgrades.
- Powerbook Army - Atsushi Iijima's Powerbook Army and News pages (some pages in Japanese)!
- The PowerBook Guy! - the premier source for reasonably priced PowerBooks, parts, accessories and service.
- PowerWatch - latest info and news on PowerComputing Mac clones
- The 20th Anniversary Macintosh Web Site - News, links, hints and tips, technical info, and bulletin boards.
- Unofficial Starmax Page - news and info about Motorola's StarMax Mac clones

- Apple Developer Site - Apple's Macintosh Programming Pages
- Apple Developer Connection News - developer related technical, business, and marketing information direct from Apple, includes info on MacOS, Java, internet, hardware, etc.
- Apple's AppleScript page - Free scripts, utilities, source code, and more!
- Macintosh Developer Headquarters (aka DevHQ) - developer info, tutorials, links, and searchable source code library!
- Mac Game Development - Apple libraries and resources to make it easier to create games for the Mac, including Apple Game Sprockets
- ScriptWeb - AppleScript and Frontier resource
- Macintosh C Programming - great tutorial and reference for C programming on the Mac ON-LINE!
- Macintosh Programmer's Link Library - this site should be called The ULTIMATE Macintosh Developer site with links to AppleScript, Frontier, MacPerl, MacPython, Tcl/Tk, JavaScript, Macro Utilities, HyperCard, HyperStudio, MetaCard, SuperCard, FileMaker Pro, Assembler, RealBasic, MPW, Codewarrior, Java, Lisp, Think Pascal, Prograph, Scheme, Game Design, Code Editors, Resource Editors, Debugging, Frameworks, Libraries, Source Code, and much much more!
- Linux for PowerPC System page - an FREE UNIX-like OS for the Mac, WITH Netscape support! Also check out the MkLinux For PowerMac Resource Page!
- MacHack - the Annual Conference for Leading Edge Developers, still held in Dearborn, MI
- MacHacks - How to screw with a Macintosh (and now PCs too!)
- Program.Com - an developer's resource and info on NeXT, Rhapsody, CGI/Perl, etc!
- ResExcellence - If you miss Desktop Madness, you'll love ResExcellence. Customize your Macintosh desktop! ResEdit required, not for the faint of heart! :-)
- StepWise - NextStep, OpenStep, and Mac OS X Server news, software, and links
Buying and Selling Macintosh
Product Price Comparison Sites
- CNET Shopper.Com (formerly ComputerESP) - daily price tracking of just about EVERY computer related product (e.g. hardware, software, PDA, etc.)! HINT: Be sure to check the customer bulletin board and BizRate rating. And, make sure to include shipping and tax (if applicable) in calculating the best deal.
- PriceScan - An unbiased guide to the lowest computer hardware and software prices on the Internet. Includes Deal of the Day and a easy to use search engine.
- PriceWatch - Another great place to find the BEST deals for computer products.
Classified Ads
- Insanely Great Mac Mac Classifieds - Buy and sell Mac systems, monitors, and Powerbooks online, a free service
- Mac Ads Network @ PowerBook Central - post or browse ads for Desktops, PowerBooks, iMacs, and Peripherals. Completely free to anyone.
- MacHost - Mac Recycling - Buy and sell your used Macintosh stuff online
- ClassMac.Com - Buy and sell Mac hardware, software, and accessories online, a free service for Mac users
- deal-mac - daily tracking of the Macintosh hardware and software prices
- PowerPage Message Board - the best place to buy used PowerBooks @ OGrady's PowerPage
- United Computer Exchange - global clearinghouse for used computer equipment
- For a list of Macintosh Mail Order Companies and Resellers go to the Mail Order section.
International Macintosh Pages
Macintosh Evangelism Sites
- Ammunition Headquarters - Macintosh Evangelism resource site. Lots of good stuff here!
- MacKiDo - Apple Evangelism and AppleBits weekly news!
- The Mac Partisan Page - links to why Mac are better
- The Macs Suck [NOT!] Page - The Sequel - the confessions of a Windows to Mac convert
- PC Fairy Tales - AKA "How NASA bureaucrats jettison Macs from the US Space program"
- Why Macintosh? - Apple's Macintosh Evangelism page
Other Sites
- The Adventures of MacMan - a wild graphical story!
- The Christian Macintosh Users Group (CMUG) - Christian news, links, and software
- Digital Visions - some of the coolest desktop pics and kalida themes on the web!
- DVDesign's Apple Logos Collection - some of the coolest Mac parody graphics on the web, check out chiaMac!
- Mac Demo HQ - Macintosh Demos! Amiga style demos (i.e. eye candy) for the Mac
- Graphing Calculator Secrets - graphing calc secrets
- Hiro's Icon Page (USA) - lots of great icons for the Mac!
- Macintosh Icon Factory - lots of great icons to customize your Mac!
- The Original Macquarium - make a Mac Aquarium out of a Mac Plus, more Macquarium here.
- Made With Macintosh - get your Made with Mac logos and badges here or at one of these fine sites: The Macinspired GIF Gallery, , Mac Gallery, Apple Logos Collection, or Apple Gifs. Or, for something slightly different visit the Anti-Windows World Union for logos.
- Moof in Mind - the official Dogcow Web Site!
- The Wizard's Sites - One of the UltimateMac authors homepage...a couple of great site links to surf!
- Windows95 and Mac Joke Wallpaper - Steve Kremer's (the creator of Sunapple) great parody page!
- Basilisk II - Basilisk II is a free, portable, Open Source 68k Mac emulator.
- Macworld EXPO - Moscone Convention Center San Francisco January 4 - 7, 2000

Macintosh Publications (periodicals, magazines, e-zines)
- Apple Computer Reading List - a list of just about every book about Apple Computers listed by date, view covers of each book along with a short synopsis.
- Ambrosia Cafe - the home of some great Macintosh pages (ShareTheMac, Networkable Mac Games, Mac Pruning Pages, and The Macintosh Conspiracy page)
- MacAddict - a monthly magazine for the Macintosh computer enthusiast
- MacAddict Affiliates - a list of top-notch Web sites devoted to serving the needs of Macintosh enthusiasts
- MacCentral - MacCentral is BACK with a new look! News and reviews!
- MacTech Magazine Online - for Developers and users
- MacWEEK Online - MacWEEK online!
- Macworld Online or Macworld (UK edition) - Macworlds online!
- TidBITS - the BEST weekly Macintosh e-zine on the internet (searchable)
- ZDNet Search engine - search MacUser, MacWEEK, PC Magazine, PC Computing, and Gaming World!!
- ZDNet's Mac page - home of MacUser, MacWeek, Macworld, (also PC Computing, PC Magazine, etc).
- 1984 Apple Online - UK online Apple magazine, news, tips, and downloads
- Always Apple - the #1 UK Macintosh Web Site, news, link, software, and classifieds
- Apple's AppleDirections - Apple's developer business report
- MacOS Monthly - a monthly FREE e-zine on Apple and Macintosh, including reviews, tips and tricks, history, and more!
- BigSky MacEzine
- dotMac - (aka .Mac) monthly Mac e-zine, news, editorials, reviews, interviews, and more!
- Mac/Chicago Online
- MacHome Interactive - MacHome Journal Online, home of MacUpdate
- MacFormat @ (UK) - Britain's best-selling Mac magazine
- MacNow Magazine - MacNow is back and better than ever
- MacOpinion - the leading source of macintosh commentary on the internet
- MacSense Online - a great Mac publication (now in HTML format)
- Mac Today - an off-the-wall Macintosh e-zine
- MacWare Review - Mac shareware and freeware reviews
- My Mac Online
- NeTProfessional - a magazine devoted to Macintosh solutions for the Internet
Macintosh Games
Game Companies
- Ambrosia Software - creators of Maelstrom, Escape Velocity, Avara, Apeiron, etc. (also Utilities such as Snapz Pro and Colorswitch Pro.
- Bungie Software - makers of Marathon (1, 2, and Infinity), and MYTH!
- Delta Tao's Software - creators of Eric's Ultimate Solitaire CD, Spaceward Ho!, etc.
- MacMAME - run your favorite coin-operated arcade games on your PowerMac!! Running Frogger, DigDug, and Q*Bert on the Mac is INCREDIBLE!
- MacPlay Home Page - creators of Carmageddon, Descent II, Virtual Pool, Wolfentstein 3D, Power Pete, etc.
- MacSoft Home Page - creators of 3D HITS! such as Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, and Terminal Velocity for Macintosh. Also creators of Civilization 2 and Mac Arcade Pak!
- Mac-o-Rama - a Mac-ONLY games and entertainment software shop!
News and Reviews
- The Games 4 Mac Campaign - join the campaign for more games for the Mac!
- CNET GAMECENTER.COM - the latest PC and Mac games, download the DEMOS!
- Games Domain (US) - mostly PC computer games, but check out direct downloads for Mac games!
- Happy Puppy Macintosh Top Ten Demos Page
- Inside Mac Games Home Page - agreat Mac games e-zine is now online!
- Mac Game Gate - Mac game reviews and links in English, Swedish, and Spanish!
- Macintosh Gamer's Ledge - Mac game reviews and links
- MacGaming.Com (formerly Tikkabik) - Mac gaming news, reviews, and info!
- Vertigo - claims to be the "Ultimate Mac(tm) Gaming Resource". Hmmm... Any how this great Mac gaming site contains daily gaming news, game demos, and more.
- Stuart's Bolo Pages - Bolo links from the author of Bolo, Stuart Cheshire.
- The MacSPORT Page - sports related Macintosh games including auto racing, baseball, football, basketball, soccer, pool, golf, you get the idea.
- MacWarrior - Macintosh gaming news, reviews, interviews, downloads, and more!
- mac reactor - Macintosh gaming news, reviews, demos, game updates, links, and more!
- MYST Web Page - stuck in the twisty mazes? Check out this page for help!
- MacShare's Games'ware page - reviews a few of the best Mac games
- Ultima III Macintosh
- Game Walkthroughs - solutions to MYST, 7th Guest, Lemmings I+II, etc.
3D Action Games
Flight Simulators

Macintosh Resources and Indices
If you couldn't find it in the ULTIMATE Macintosh, you will probably find it here.
- Macsites - The latest and greatest guide to Macintosh-related web sites!
- Mac Cognoscenti Web Ring - Macintosh web ring for discriminating Mac users.
- Mighty Mac Web Ring - Macintosh web ring for "Powerful Mac Sites"
- SiteLink - Best o' the Web - links to Apple pages, software, reviews, resources, directories, online magazines, and search engines! Vote for the Ultimate Macintosh!
- USA Mac (formerly Mac Hottest 5) - news, software, and the top Mac links.
- AMSYS's Apple Related Web Sites or search AMSYS - a huge list of Apple links
- ComputerWare's Macintosh Links @ Macsource.Com
- Everything Mac - like it sez, it has everything Macintosh
- Mac Cognoscenti Web Ring - web ring of Macintosh-related web site
- Mark Sproul's Macintosh Page - good programming links
- Nexus Macintosh Resources Page - the latest Macintosh resource page, and it's BIG!
- Seb's Mac Links (Belgium) - an up-to-date page with news, updates, and links, check out the "Hot Updates" section
- Yahoo's Macintosh Page
Macintosh Related Companies
- Abbott System - creators of CanOpener, Scorpio, Ready,Set,Go, etc.
- ACTION Utilities - creators of ACTION Files, GoMac, etc.
- Adobe Systems - creators of Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, and Postscript!
- AG Group - creators of EtherPeek, TokenPeek, NetTools, etc.
- Aladdin - creators of Stuffit and Stuffit Expander
- Alsoft - creators of DiskExpress Pro, MasterJuggler Pro, PlusOptimizer, PlusMaker, and PlusMaximizer
- APS Technologies - Macintosh hard drives and tape drives
- Asante Technologies - Macintosh networking
- Avid - creators of Elastic Reality, and other multimedia software
- Beale Street Group - creators of Screenshot and GameCheater
- Bare Bones Software - creators of BBEdit and BBEdit Lite
- Berkeley Systems - creators of After Dark
- Boca Research - (formerly Global Village) creators of TelePort, PowerPort fax modems, etc.
- Bungie - creators of Marathon, Marathon 2, and Myth
- Carnation Software - creators of Wyse, Viewpoint, DEC, Televideo and Prism terminal emulation software for Mac
- Casady & Greene - creators of Conflict Catcher, Glider, etc.
- Cayman Systems - Macintosh networking
- CE Software - creators of QuickKeys, QuickMail, etc.
- Claris Corporation - creators of ClarisWorks, MacWrite, etc.
- Connectix - creators of RAMdoubler, SpeedDoubler, and QuickCam
- Cyan - creators of Myst and Riven
- Dantz - creators of Retrospect and DiskFit Pro backup programs
- DataViz - creators of MacLinkPlus data translators
- DayStar Digital - makers of Genesis-MP systems and CPU upgrades
- Deneba Systems - creators of Canvas 5 and DenebaCAD
- Delta Tao Software - creators of Ultimate Solitaire, Spaceward Ho!, etc.
- Douglas Electronics - creators of printed circuit boards (PCB) layout software for the Mac
- Dragon Systems - creator PowerSecretary voice dication system
- Dubl-Click Software - creators of ClickChange, MenuFonts, etc.
- Equilibruim - creators of DeBabelizer
- Epson - makers of Epson Stylus and Photo ink-jet printers
- Excel Software - creators of CASE tools for the Mac, including data and class models
- Farallon - makers of PhoneNet, EtherWave, etc.
- Fractal Design - creators of Painter 3.0, Sketcher, etc.
- Fog City - developer of Claris Emailer
- FWB - makers of HD Toolkit & SledgeHammer HD
- GDT Softworks - creators of PowerPrint and StyleScript printing software
- Global Village - creators of TelePort, PowerPort fax modems, etc.
- Griffin Technology - makers of iMate, iPort, monitor adapters, and video adapters.
- IncWell - SuperCard (formerly owned by Allegiant)
- Insignia - creators of RealPC, SoftWindows, and SoftWindows95
- InterCon - creators of TCP/connect II, InterPPP, Planet X, etc.
- Iomega - creators of Bernoulli and ZIP drives
- Insider Software - creators of Font Agent (formerly Font Box), Update Agent (formerly Insider Updates), etc.
- Kensington - creators of TurboMouse, security cables, and memory
- L2 Cache Co. - makers of PowerMac L2 caches
- Live Picture Co. - creators of Live Picture, PhotoVista, and more
- LaCie Limited - makers of Mac hard drives and scanners
- MacAttic - suppliers of reconditioned Macs and parts, repairs usually within 48 hours
- MacPlay Home Page - creators of Wolfenstein, Descent, etc.
- MacroMedia - creators of Director, FreeHand, and ShockWave
- MetaCreations - creators of Kai Power Tools (KPT), Soap, SuperGoo, Poser, Painter, Bryce, Headline Studio, and more
- Metrowerks - creators of CodeWarrior
- MicroMat Computer System - creators of MacEKG and TechTool diagnostic utilities
- Microsoft - the evil empire (just kidding)
- Microtech - makers of hard drives, memory, Charismac software, and digital photography solutions
- Motorola PowerPC - creators of the PowerPC chip
- Newer Technology - makers of Mac memory, accelerators, and Duo docks
- Nisus - creators of Nisus Writer and QUED/M
- Power On Software - creators of Action Now Utilities, Action File, and GoMac!
- Progressive Networks - creators of RealAudio
- Qualcomm - creators of Eudora, Now Up-to-Date, Now Contact
- Quantum - makers of hard drives
- Quark - creators of QuarkXPress
- Radius - creators of VideoSpigot, graphics accelerators, etc.
- Radius Vintage - support for discontinued Radius, EMachine, SuperMac products
- Sassafras Software - creators of KeyServer software
- Seagate - makers of hard drives
- Shiva - Macintosh networking and remote access
- Stalker Software - creators of PortShare, ScanShare, LineShare, CommuniGate to share your ports, scanner, and fax/voice modem
- StarNine - Macintosh email gateways and WebSTAR (formerly MacHTTP)
- StarPlay - creators of Loony Labyrinth, Crystal Caliburn, etc.
- Strata - creators of MediaPaint, VideoShop, StudioPro, etc.
- Supra - Macintosh modems
- Symantec - creators of Norton Disk Doctor, SAM (virus protection), etc.
- Terry Morse Software - creators of Myrmidon (convert any document into web pages)
- TechWorks - makers of Macintosh memory
- U.S. Robotics - makers of the Sportster and Courier modems
- UMAX Technologies - makers of UMAX scanners and Mac clones!
- Visioneer - makers of the Paperport
- White Pine Software - creators of eXodus
- WordPerfect - bad longer supported..good's FREE
Shareware Pages
- Ambrosia Software - creators of Maelstrom, , etc.
- Dejal Userware - creators of SndConverter, SndPlayer, etc., TextConverter, Quoter FKEY, and much more.
- Fabrizio Oddone - creator of Disk Charmer, ChunkJoiner, Forward Delete, and more.
- Flux Software - creators of Movies in the Dark, SmartKeys, Alias Assistant, etc.
- Greg's Shareware Page - creator of Kaleidoscope, Aaron, Greg's Buttons, PowerWindows, BeView, and more!
- GradeKeeper Software - Macintosh gradebook program
- Grade Machine - another Macintosh (and Windows) gradebook program
- Golden State Graphics - font management tools by Jim Lewis, including theFondler, theTypebook, and more.
- Jim Walker's Shareware Page - DialogView, OpenWide, OtherMenu, AliasDragon, etc.
- Hot Rod Games - (formerly Micro Imagineering) makers of the Jewelbox, the BEST columns-type games on the planet.
- Marc Moini Marc Software - creators of Startup Doubler, Smart Scroll, Custom Menus, and Clean-Install Assistant
- Peirce Software - creators of Smoothie, DeskPicture, ShareDraw, etc.
- Semicolon - creators of Tilery (aka Applicon), Solitaire Till Dawn, etc.
- ShrinkWrap Home Page - a great utility, mounts DiskCopy disk images as virtual floppy!
- St. Clair Software - creators of Default Folder, Icon Wrap, etc.
- Stairways Software aka Peter Lewi's Shareware page - some of the best Macintosh internet shareware: Anarchie, NetPresenz, Internet Config, TCP Watcher, Talk, Finger, etc.!
Check out Vendor List @ for MORE vendors of Apple related products.
Mail Order and Resellers
Check out deal-mac for the best Macintosh deals!

Macintosh Newsgroups
Copyright © 1995-2000 Michael Yee and Gregory Park
"Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?"